Seller Integration - Node.js and GraphQL

This example project allows you to simulate the main operations undertaken by a Seller Integration - this is a good place to start to learn the basics.

Node.js and GraphQL


In this Node.js project we use the Marketplacer Seller API to:

  1. Ingest seller products into Marketplacer
  2. Retrieve seller orders for those products from Marketplacer
  3. Dispatch (ship) those products to the customers that bought them

This example performs the additional step of generating valid test products for us to ingest (step 1 above). It does this by interrogating the category structure of the Marketplacer instance and determining valid product attribute sets.

Solution Components

RuntimeNode.js (v20+)
GraphQL ClientN/a (Fetch API)
Marketplacer APISeller API (GraphQL)
Webhooks usedN/a
Data StorageJSON & text files

Getting Started

The code for this project can be found here, along with a detailed readme that helps you to get up and running quickly.

Companion Video

We also have a companion video that takes you through initial application set up, as well as running through all 4 of the example use-cases

You can find the video in the seller video collection here.