Represents true
or false
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar Boolean
link Require by
- AccountSettingsSite wide customization settings for a marketplace
- AdvertAn advert
- AdvertCategorySuggestionAn advert category suggestion generated by an AI.
- AdvertFiltersAttributes for filtering adverts
- AdvertInputnull
- AdvertPublishedUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertPublishedUpdateMutation
- AdvertSearchInputAdvert search arguments for building an ElasticSearch query.
- AdvertSearchResponseAdvert search response payload.
- AdvertSettingsSite wide advert settings for a marketplace
- AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutation
- AdyenBillingSettingsAdyen settings for billing.
- AdyenEcommerceSettingsAdyen settings for ecommerce.
- AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- AfterpaySettingsAfterpay settings.
- AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- BillingBilling record.
- BraintreeBillingSettingsBraintree settings for billing
- BraintreeEcommerceSettingsBraintree settings for ecommerce
- BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- BrandProduct brand
- CartA cart object just waiting to transform into an order.
- CartInputAttributes for creating or updating a cart.
- CartItemA good or service that a user has added to their cart.
- CartItemDeliveryMethodGroupA grouping of cart items that all have the same delivery method. Most of the fields are aggregations of individual cart item fields.
- CatalogRuleCatalog rule
- CheckoutInputAdditional attributes to pass through to checkout to use certain features.
- CommissionPackageCommission package holding commission rates for all taxons (or categories)
- CommissionPackageVersionChange log of commission packages
- CustomFieldCustom Fields can be created to hold categories of data not otherwise available in the standard schema. Custom Fields must not be used to store Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- CustomFieldInputAttributes for creating or updating a CustomField
- CustomFormQuestionsFieldsCustom form template question fields
- CustomisationSettingsSite wide customization settings for a marketplace
- EmailMarketingEmail direct marketing data
- EntityCustomFieldCustom Fields can be created to hold categories of data not otherwise available in the standard schema. Custom Fields must not be used to store Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- ESAdvertAn advert (elasticsearch cached)
- ESSellerA brand (elasticsearch cached)
- ExternalAccountSettingsExternal service account settings
- ExternalIDUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ExternalIDUpsertMutation
- FinanceSettingsSite wide customization settings for a marketplace
- FooterData for composing a site footer
- GivexSettingsGivex settings for ecommerce.
- GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- GoldenProductA golden product record.
- GoldenProductInputnull
- GoldenProductUpdateInputnull
- GoldenProductVariantA variant under the golden product record.
- GoldenProductVariantInputnull
- GoldenProductVariantUpdateInputnull
- HealthCheckData for all health related checks
- ImageImage attachment for adverts and some other models
- ImportExportnull
- InquiryAn Inquiry from a customer to a seller
- InquiryCreateInputInquiry Attributes.
- InventoryRecord to handle multi-store inventory.
- InvoiceInvoice items associated with an order.
- InvoiceAmendmentAmendments to an invoice.
- InvoiceAmendmentLineItemLine items associated with an invoice amendment.
- InvoiceAmendmentLineItemInputLine items associated with an invoice amendment. Either lineItemId OR custom must be supplied, not both. If lineItemId is supplied, you should also supply the dispatched flag: In January 2022 you will be _required_ to supply the dispatched flag in this case. Quantity should be positive. Amount should be negative for a refund.
- InvoiceAnnotationAnnotation on an invoice.
- InvoiceAnnotationInputAttributes for creating or updating an invoice annotation
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeA type of invoice annotation.
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeInputAttributes for creating or updating an invoice annotation type
- InvoiceFiltersAttributes for filtering invoices
- KlaviyoSettingsKlaviyo settings
- LocationLocation object returned with location-based search results.
- Mappingnull
- MappingFiltersnull
- MappingSetMutationInputAutogenerated input type of MappingSetMutation
- MarketfacerPagesEnabledMarketfacer pages enabled flags
- MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutation
- MemberSettingsMember settings on marketplace
- MoneyA monetary value with currency
- MultiStoreA branch of a store with multiple locations.
- NavBarProperties defining a navigation bar
- OptionTypeAn advert's option type (e.g. colour, size, shape).
- OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- OrderA cart that has turned into an immutable order.
- OrderInputAttributes for creating or updating an order
- PageInfoInformation about pagination in a connection.
- PartnerIntegrationToggleEventPartner integration toggle enabled or disabled event.
- PartnerIntegrationToggleEventInputProperties for partner integration toggle event creation.
- PaymentEventPayment Event
- PaypalCommerceSettingsPaypal Commerce settings
- PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- PermissionsByCategoryPermissions by category
- PromotionA promotion, sale, or special discount.
- PromotionInputnull
- PurgeOrderDataMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PurgeOrderDataMutation
- QueryRoot queries that don't modify database records.
- RedirectAll redirects for the marketplace
- RefundRequestFiltersAttributes for filtering refund requests
- RefundRequestLineItemLine item on a refund request
- RefundRequestLineItemInputLine item on a refund request. Either a line item ID (which must be a line item from the invoice to which this refund request is related) and a reason OR both custom and amountPerItem must be supplied. If you supply a line item ID you must supply a reason and cannot supply custom or amountPerItem. You should also supply the dispatched flag: In January 2022 you will be _required_ to supply the dispatched flag in this case. If you supply custom and amountPerItem then you cannot supply a line item ID, reason or dispatched flag.
- RemittanceRemittance for invoice or invoice amendment
- RemittanceEventRemittance event
- RetailerAccessConfigCategory label and category slug for building seller category search links
- RithumAPIKeyCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RithumAPIKeyCreateMutation
- SearchSettingsCustomization settings pertaining to search
- SellerRetailer or private seller.
- SellerInputAttributes for creating a seller.
- SellerSearchInputSeller search arguments for building an ElasticSearch query.
- SellerUpdateInputAttributes for updating a seller.
- SendgridSettingsSendgrid settings
- SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- SessionDataProperties of the current session
- SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutation
- SessionTokenLogOutMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SessionTokenLogOutMutation.
- ShippitCredentialsShippit Credentials
- ShippitCredentialsUpsertInputnull
- SiteConfigSite configuration properties, particularly for properties that affect more than just one page
- SiteCountrySite country information
- StatusInfoData for individual health checks
- TaxonCategory or Sub-category for organising adverts. Has a tree-like structure with parents and children.
- TaxonFilterOptionMinimal subset of Taxon type which can be used to build a taxonomy filter for advert search
- TextLinkText link
- UserProperties of the currently logged in User
- UserLocationLocation data saved on the user session
- UserLogOutMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserLogOutMutation.
- UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutation.
- VariantA unique option type/option value combination that represents a variation of a purchasable item.
- VariantFilterInputnull
- VariantInputnull
- WebhookReturns the webhooks linked to marketplacer events.
- WebhookCreateInputAttributes for creating a webhook.
- WebhookEventReturns the webhooks event linked to a webhook.
- WebhookInputWebhook Attributes.
- YotpoSettingsYotpo settings
- YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- YotpoSettingsSiteConfigYotpo Site Configuration settings
- ZipSettingsZip settings.
- ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- ZoozSettingsZooz settings type
- ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.