Represents textual data as UTF-8 character sequences. This type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- scalar String
link Require by
- AccountSettingsSite wide customization settings for a marketplace
- ActivityLogDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ActivityLogDownloadMutation
- ActivityLogDownloadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ActivityLogDownloadMutation.
- AddCartItemInputArguments for finding variants and adding them to a cart.
- AddressAll information necessary for a complete address.
- AddressInputInput attributes for creating or updating an address.
- AddresssEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdjustmentAdjustments to a line item or invoice, e.g. promotion discounts, fees, etc.
- AdjustmentInputApply one or more adjustments to a line item or invoice.
- AdminProperties of an admin
- AdminLoginUsernameMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdminLoginUsernameMutation
- AdminLoginUsernameMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdminLoginUsernameMutation.
- AdminRoleAdmin role
- AdminRoleCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdminRoleCreateMutation
- AdminRoleCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdminRoleCreateMutation.
- AdminRoleDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdminRoleDeleteMutation
- AdminRoleDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdminRoleDeleteMutation.
- AdminRoleInputnull
- AdminRolesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdminRoleUpdateInputAttributes for updating an admin role
- AdminRoleUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdminRoleUpdateMutation
- AdminRoleUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdminRoleUpdateMutation.
- AdvertAn advert
- AdvertCategorySuggestionAn advert category suggestion generated by an AI.
- AdvertDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertDeleteMutation
- AdvertDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertDeleteMutation.
- AdvertDocumentPDF documents relating to the advert
- AdvertDocumentInputAdvert document upload. Exactly one of (dataBase64 AND filename) or sourceUrl must be supplied.
- AdvertDocumentsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdvertEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdvertFilterInputnull
- AdvertFiltersAttributes for filtering adverts
- AdvertInputnull
- AdvertOptionValueAdvert option value for an advert's option type supporting all field types.
- AdvertOptionValueEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdvertOptionValueInputInput for updating an advert option value. Set only optionValueId for single-select and multi-select option types, and set only optionTypeId and textValue for a free-text option type.
- AdvertPublishedUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertPublishedUpdateMutation
- AdvertPublishedUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertPublishedUpdateMutation.
- AdvertRatingrating data for Advert
- AdvertSearchInputAdvert search arguments for building an ElasticSearch query.
- AdvertSearchResponseAdvert search response payload.
- AdvertsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AdvertSpreadsheetConfirmImportMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertSpreadsheetConfirmImportMutation
- AdvertSpreadsheetConfirmImportMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertSpreadsheetConfirmImportMutation.
- AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertSpreadsheetDownloadMutation.
- AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutation
- AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertSpreadsheetUploadMutation.
- AdvertStatisticsSummarynull
- AdvertUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdvertUpsertMutation
- AdvertUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertUpsertMutation.
- AdvertVettingApproveMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertVettingApproveMutation.
- AdvertVettingRejectInputnull
- AdvertVettingRejectMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertVettingRejectMutation.
- AdvertVettingResubmitMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdvertVettingResubmitMutation.
- AdyenBillingSettingsAdyen settings for billing.
- AdyenEcommerceSettingsAdyen settings for ecommerce.
- AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdyenSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- AdyenSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AdyenSettingsDeleteMutation
- AdyenSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AdyenSettingsDeleteMutation.
- AfterpaySettingsAfterpay settings.
- AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AfterpaySettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- AfterpaySettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AfterpaySettingsDeleteMutation
- AfterpaySettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AfterpaySettingsDeleteMutation.
- AllAdvertsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AllAdvertVariantEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- AllSellersEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- APIKeyPrincipalLogged in principal from API Key
- Attachmentfile attachment
- AttemptBillingInvoicePaymentMutationInputAutogenerated input type of AttemptBillingInvoicePaymentMutation
- AttemptBillingInvoicePaymentMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AttemptBillingInvoicePaymentMutation.
- AvailabilityFilterOptionAvailability type which can be used to build an availability filter for advert search
- BillingBilling record.
- BillingHistoryDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of BillingHistoryDownloadMutation
- BillingHistoryDownloadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of BillingHistoryDownloadMutation.
- BillingLineItemBilling line items associated with a billing.
- BillingsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- BraintreeProperties from the braintree payment service, returns null when Braintree is disabled
- BraintreeBillingSettingsBraintree settings for billing
- BraintreeEcommerceSettingsBraintree settings for ecommerce
- BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of BraintreeSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- BraintreeSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of BraintreeSettingsDeleteMutation
- BraintreeSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of BraintreeSettingsDeleteMutation.
- BrandProduct brand
- BrandFilterOptionMinimal subset of Brand type which can be used to build a brand filter for advert search
- BrandsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CancelBillingInvoiceMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CancelBillingInvoiceMutation
- CancelBillingInvoiceMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CancelBillingInvoiceMutation.
- CartA cart object just waiting to transform into an order.
- CartAddCartItemMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartAddCartItemMutation
- CartAddCartItemMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CartAddCartItemMutation.
- CartAddItemMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartAddItemMutation
- CartAddItemMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CartAddItemMutation.
- CartCheckoutMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartCheckoutMutation
- CartCheckoutMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CartCheckoutMutation.
- CartCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartCreateMutation
- CartCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CartCreateMutation.
- CartDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartDeleteMutation
- CartDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CartDeleteMutation.
- CartInputAttributes for creating or updating a cart.
- CartItemA good or service that a user has added to their cart.
- CartItemDeliveryMethodGroupA grouping of cart items that all have the same delivery method. Most of the fields are aggregations of individual cart item fields.
- CartItemEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CartRemoveCartItemMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartRemoveCartItemMutation
- CartRemoveCartItemMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CartRemoveCartItemMutation.
- CartSellerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CartUpdateCartItemMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartUpdateCartItemMutation
- CartUpdateCartItemMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CartUpdateCartItemMutation.
- CartUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CartUpdateMutation
- CartUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CartUpdateMutation.
- CatalogRuleCatalog rule
- CatalogRuleCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CatalogRuleCreateMutation
- CatalogRuleCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CatalogRuleCreateMutation.
- CatalogRuleDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CatalogRuleDeleteMutation
- CatalogRuleDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CatalogRuleDeleteMutation.
- CatalogRuleInputnull
- CatalogRulesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CatalogRulesErrorCatalog rules error
- CatalogRuleUpdateInputnull
- CatalogRuleUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CatalogRuleUpdateMutation
- CatalogRuleUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CatalogRuleUpdateMutation.
- ChangeLogLog for record changes.
- ChangeLogsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ClickAndCollectStatusUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ClickAndCollectStatusUpdateMutation
- ClickAndCollectStatusUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ClickAndCollectStatusUpdateMutation.
- CommissionPackageCommission package holding commission rates for all taxons (or categories)
- CommissionPackageSchedulenull
- CommissionPackageScheduleItemEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CommissionPackageVersionChange log of commission packages
- ConditionFilterOptionCondition type which can be used to build a Condition filter for advert search
- ContactDetailsContact details
- ContextualHistorynull
- ContextualHistoryEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CountryCountry information.
- CountryInputInput for associating a country with an address. One argument is required for creation. If more than one argument is given, the first valid argument will define the country (the order is "id" then "code").
- CountrysEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CurrencyCurrency details
- CustomCommissionRateEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CustomFieldCustom Fields can be created to hold categories of data not otherwise available in the standard schema. Custom Fields must not be used to store Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- CustomFieldCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldCreateOrUpdateMutation
- CustomFieldCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- CustomFieldDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldDeleteMutation
- CustomFieldDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldDeleteMutation.
- CustomFieldEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CustomFieldGroupInformation relating to a group of CustomFields, including the information for any associated CustomField records
- CustomFieldGroupCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldGroupCreateOrUpdateMutation
- CustomFieldGroupCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldGroupCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- CustomFieldGroupDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldGroupDeleteMutation
- CustomFieldGroupDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldGroupDeleteMutation.
- CustomFieldGroupInputAttributes for creating or updating a CustomFieldGroup
- CustomFieldGroupsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CustomFieldInputAttributes for creating or updating a CustomField
- CustomFieldOptionA type representing a custom field option.
- CustomFieldOptionInputAttributes for creating or updating a CustomFieldOption
- CustomFormQuestionsFieldsCustom form template question fields
- CustomisationSettingsSite wide customization settings for a marketplace
- CustomNavLinkNavigation link
- DeletedAdvertA deleted advert
- DirectLinkA menu entry with a direct link
- EnrolAuthenticatorMutationInputAutogenerated input type of EnrolAuthenticatorMutation
- EnrolAuthenticatorMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of EnrolAuthenticatorMutation.
- EntityCustomFieldCustom Fields can be created to hold categories of data not otherwise available in the standard schema. Custom Fields must not be used to store Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
- EntityCustomFieldEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- EntityCustomFieldGroupInformation relating to a group of CustomFields, including the information for any associated CustomField records
- EntityCustomFieldGroupEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- EntityCustomFieldGroupsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ErrorMessagenull
- ESAdvertAn advert (elasticsearch cached)
- ESAdvertsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ESBrandA brand (elasticsearch cached)
- ESBrandSearchA searched brand (elasticsearch cached)
- ESBrandSearchEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ESSellerA brand (elasticsearch cached)
- ESTaxonA taxon (elasticsearch cached)
- ExternalAccountSettingsExternal service account settings
- ExternalIDExternal IDs
- ExternalIDInputExternal ID key and values to search for
- ExternalIdsUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ExternalIdsUpsertMutation
- ExternalIdsUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ExternalIdsUpsertMutation.
- ExternalIDUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ExternalIDUpsertMutation
- ExternalIDUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ExternalIDUpsertMutation.
- FileInputFile upload.
- FooterColumnData for composing a site footer
- FreeTextAndSelectFieldA free text field with a select input field
- FreeTextFieldText field where any user input is accepted
- FreetextOptionValuenull
- FreetextOptionValueEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- GenderFilterOptionGender type which can be used to build a gender filter for advert search
- GivexSettingsGivex settings for ecommerce.
- GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GivexSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- GivexSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GivexSettingsDeleteMutation
- GivexSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GivexSettingsDeleteMutation.
- GlobalSearchResultMixed search result records belonging to retailer
- GlobalSearchResultsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- GoldenProductA golden product record.
- GoldenProductCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductCreateMutation
- GoldenProductCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductCreateMutation.
- GoldenProductDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductDeleteMutation
- GoldenProductDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductDeleteMutation.
- GoldenProductDocumentPDF documents relating to the golden product.
- GoldenProductDocumentInputGolden product document upload. Exactly one of (dataBase64 AND filename) or sourceUrl must be supplied.
- GoldenProductDocumentsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- GoldenProductInputnull
- GoldenProductOptionValueGolden Product option value for a golden product's option type supporting all field types.
- GoldenProductOptionValueEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- GoldenProductOptionValueInputInput for updating a golden product option value. Set only optionValueId for single-select and multi-select option types, and set only optionTypeId and textValue for a free-text option type.
- GoldenProductsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- GoldenProductUpdateInputnull
- GoldenProductUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductUpdateMutation
- GoldenProductUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductUpdateMutation.
- GoldenProductVariantA variant under the golden product record.
- GoldenProductVariantCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductVariantCreateMutation
- GoldenProductVariantCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductVariantCreateMutation.
- GoldenProductVariantDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductVariantDeleteMutation
- GoldenProductVariantDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductVariantDeleteMutation.
- GoldenProductVariantInputnull
- GoldenProductVariantLinkVariantsMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductVariantLinkVariantsMutation
- GoldenProductVariantLinkVariantsMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductVariantLinkVariantsMutation.
- GoldenProductVariantOptionValueGolden Product Variant option value for a golden product variant's option type supporting all field types.
- GoldenProductVariantOptionValueEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- GoldenProductVariantOptionValueInputInput for updating a golden product variant option value. Set only optionValueId for single-select and multi-select option types, and set only optionTypeId and textValue for a free-text option type.
- GoldenProductVariantsActivateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductVariantsActivateMutation
- GoldenProductVariantsActivateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductVariantsActivateMutation.
- GoldenProductVariantsDeactivateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductVariantsDeactivateMutation
- GoldenProductVariantsDeactivateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductVariantsDeactivateMutation.
- GoldenProductVariantsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- GoldenProductVariantUnlinkVariantsMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductVariantUnlinkVariantsMutation
- GoldenProductVariantUnlinkVariantsMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductVariantUnlinkVariantsMutation.
- GoldenProductVariantUpdateInputnull
- GoldenProductVariantUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of GoldenProductVariantUpdateMutation
- GoldenProductVariantUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of GoldenProductVariantUpdateMutation.
- GoogleAnalyticsTrackerProperties of a single Google/Universal Analytics tracker
- GoogleMapsCredentialsGoogle maps credentials
- GoogleRecaptchaCredentialsGoogle reCAPTCHA credentials
- ImageImage attachment for adverts and some other models
- ImageInputImage upload. Exactly one of (dataBase64 AND filename) or sourceUrl must be supplied.
- ImagesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ImageUploadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ImageUploadMutation
- ImageUploadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ImageUploadMutation.
- ImportExportnull
- ImportExportEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- InquiryAn Inquiry from a customer to a seller
- InquiryCreateInputInquiry Attributes.
- InquiryCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of InquiryCreateMutation
- InquiryCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of InquiryCreateMutation.
- InventorysEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- InvoiceInvoice items associated with an order.
- InvoiceAmendmentAmendments to an invoice.
- InvoiceAmendmentCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of InvoiceAmendmentCreateMutation
- InvoiceAmendmentCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of InvoiceAmendmentCreateMutation.
- InvoiceAmendmentLineItemLine items associated with an invoice amendment.
- InvoiceAmendmentLineItemInputLine items associated with an invoice amendment. Either lineItemId OR custom must be supplied, not both. If lineItemId is supplied, you should also supply the dispatched flag: In January 2022 you will be _required_ to supply the dispatched flag in this case. Quantity should be positive. Amount should be negative for a refund.
- InvoiceAmendmentsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- InvoiceAnnotationAnnotation on an invoice.
- InvoiceAnnotationCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of InvoiceAnnotationCreateMutation
- InvoiceAnnotationCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of InvoiceAnnotationCreateMutation.
- InvoiceAnnotationInputAttributes for creating or updating an invoice annotation
- InvoiceAnnotationResolveMutationInputAutogenerated input type of InvoiceAnnotationResolveMutation
- InvoiceAnnotationResolveMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of InvoiceAnnotationResolveMutation.
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeA type of invoice annotation.
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of InvoiceAnnotationTypeCreateMutation
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of InvoiceAnnotationTypeCreateMutation.
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeDiscardMutationInputAutogenerated input type of InvoiceAnnotationTypeDiscardMutation
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeDiscardMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of InvoiceAnnotationTypeDiscardMutation.
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeInputAttributes for creating or updating an invoice annotation type
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of InvoiceAnnotationTypeUpdateMutation
- InvoiceAnnotationTypeUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of InvoiceAnnotationTypeUpdateMutation.
- InvoiceAnnotationUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of InvoiceAnnotationUpdateMutation
- InvoiceAnnotationUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of InvoiceAnnotationUpdateMutation.
- InvoiceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- InvoiceFiltersAttributes for filtering invoices
- InvoicesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- KeyValueKey Value tuple
- KeyValueInputGeneric key-value object for when we need data whose structure isn't predefined.
- KlaviyoSettingsKlaviyo settings
- KlaviyoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of KlaviyoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- KlaviyoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of KlaviyoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- KlaviyoSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of KlaviyoSettingsDeleteMutation
- KlaviyoSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of KlaviyoSettingsDeleteMutation.
- LineItemLine items associated with a cart or order.
- LineItemEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetDownloadMutation.
- LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetUploadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetUploadMutation
- LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetUploadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of LineItemsForShipmentsSpreadsheetUploadMutation.
- LocationLocation object returned with location-based search results.
- LoyaltyProgramLevelLoyalty program levels
- LoyaltyProgramLevelsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- Mappingnull
- MappingEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- MappingFiltersnull
- MappingSetMutationInputAutogenerated input type of MappingSetMutation
- MappingSetMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of MappingSetMutation.
- MarkdownA menu entry with markdown contents
- MarketplacerAPIKeyMarketplacer API key info
- MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutation
- MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of MarketplacerAPIKeyCreateMutation.
- MeasurementUnitMeasurement unit
- MemberSettingsMember settings on marketplace
- Metadata2UpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of Metadata2UpsertMutation
- Metadata2UpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of Metadata2UpsertMutation.
- MetadataUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of MetadataUpsertMutation
- MetadataUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of MetadataUpsertMutation.
- MetadatumMetadata key value tuples
- MFAChallengeAn MFA challenge
- MFAChallengeResponseResponse to an MFA challenge
- ModelProduct model
- ModelFilterOptionMinimal subset of Model type which can be used to build a model filter for advert search
- MoneyA monetary value with currency
- NavBarProperties defining a navigation bar
- NewsletterSubscribeMutationInputAutogenerated input type of NewsletterSubscribeMutation
- NewsletterSubscribeMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of NewsletterSubscribeMutation.
- NewsletterSubscriptionFormNewsletter subscription form metadata
- OptionalOptionValueEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OptionTypeAn advert's option type (e.g. colour, size, shape).
- OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of OptionTypeCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- OptionTypeFilterOptionMinimal subset of OptionType type which can be used to build an option type filter for advert search
- OptionTypesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OptionValueOption value for an advert's option type (e.g. 'red', 'large')
- OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutation
- OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of OptionValueCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- OptionValueDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OptionValueDeleteMutation
- OptionValueDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of OptionValueDeleteMutation.
- OptionValueEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OptionValueFilterOptionMinimal subset of OptionValue type which can be used as a value of an option type filter for advert search
- OptionValuesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- OrderA cart that has turned into an immutable order.
- OrderCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OrderCreateMutation
- OrderCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of OrderCreateMutation.
- OrderHistoryDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OrderHistoryDownloadMutation
- OrderHistoryDownloadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of OrderHistoryDownloadMutation.
- OrderInputAttributes for creating or updating an order
- OrderUpdateInputAttributes for updating an order
- OrderUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of OrderUpdateMutation
- OrderUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of OrderUpdateMutation.
- PageInfoInformation about pagination in a connection.
- PartnerIntegrationToggleEventPartner integration toggle enabled or disabled event.
- PartnerIntegrationToggleEventCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PartnerIntegrationToggleEventCreateMutation
- PartnerIntegrationToggleEventCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PartnerIntegrationToggleEventCreateMutation.
- PartnerIntegrationToggleEventInputProperties for partner integration toggle event creation.
- PasswordResetMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PasswordResetMutation
- PasswordResetMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PasswordResetMutation.
- PaymentEventPayment Event
- PaymentEventEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PaymentMethodPayment method.
- PaymentMethodCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PaymentMethodCreateMutation
- PaymentMethodCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PaymentMethodCreateMutation.
- PaymentMethodDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PaymentMethodDeleteMutation
- PaymentMethodDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PaymentMethodDeleteMutation.
- PaymentProviderInputProperties from a payment provider.
- PaypalCommerceSettingsPaypal Commerce settings
- PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PaypalCommerceSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- PaypalCommerceSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PaypalCommerceSettingsDeleteMutation
- PaypalCommerceSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PaypalCommerceSettingsDeleteMutation.
- PermissionPermission
- PriceRangeA price range
- ProcessPaymentGatewayRedirectMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ProcessPaymentGatewayRedirectMutation
- ProcessPaymentGatewayRedirectMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ProcessPaymentGatewayRedirectMutation.
- PromotionA promotion, sale, or special discount.
- PromotionInputnull
- PromotionsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PromotionUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PromotionUpsertMutation
- PromotionUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PromotionUpsertMutation.
- PrototypePrototypes contain the attributes from which all Adverts in a Category inherit eg. Clothing
- PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PrototypeCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- PrototypesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- PurgeOrderDataMutationInputAutogenerated input type of PurgeOrderDataMutation
- PurgeOrderDataMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of PurgeOrderDataMutation.
- QueryRoot queries that don't modify database records.
- RankedResultDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RankedResultDeleteMutation
- RankedResultDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RankedResultDeleteMutation.
- RankedResultsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RankedResultUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RankedResultUpsertMutation
- RankedResultUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RankedResultUpsertMutation.
- RatingFilterOptionMinimal subset of Rating type which can be used to build a rating filter for advert search
- RedirectAll redirects for the marketplace
- RedirectConfirmationInputProperties for only redirect confirmation payment provider.
- RedirectEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RefundReasonnull
- RefundRequestRefund requests associated with an invoice
- RefundRequestApproveMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestApproveMutation.
- RefundRequestCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestCreateMutation
- RefundRequestCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestCreateMutation.
- RefundRequestCustomLineItemApproveInputnull
- RefundRequestDenyMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestDenyMutation
- RefundRequestDenyMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestDenyMutation.
- RefundRequestEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RefundRequestFiltersAttributes for filtering refund requests
- RefundRequestLineItemLine item on a refund request
- RefundRequestLineItemAcceptMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestLineItemAcceptMutation
- RefundRequestLineItemAcceptMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestLineItemAcceptMutation.
- RefundRequestLineItemDenyMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestLineItemDenyMutation
- RefundRequestLineItemDenyMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestLineItemDenyMutation.
- RefundRequestLineItemInputLine item on a refund request. Either a line item ID (which must be a line item from the invoice to which this refund request is related) and a reason OR both custom and amountPerItem must be supplied. If you supply a line item ID you must supply a reason and cannot supply custom or amountPerItem. You should also supply the dispatched flag: In January 2022 you will be _required_ to supply the dispatched flag in this case. If you supply custom and amountPerItem then you cannot supply a line item ID, reason or dispatched flag.
- RefundRequestLineItemReturnMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestLineItemReturnMutation
- RefundRequestLineItemReturnMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestLineItemReturnMutation.
- RefundRequestNoteNote on a refund request
- RefundRequestNoteEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RefundRequestNoteInputNote on a refund request
- RefundRequestRefundMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestRefundMutation
- RefundRequestRefundMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestRefundMutation.
- RefundRequestReturnMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestReturnMutation
- RefundRequestReturnMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestReturnMutation.
- RefundRequestRevertDenialMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestRevertDenialMutation
- RefundRequestRevertDenialMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestRevertDenialMutation.
- RefundRequestSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RefundRequestSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- RefundRequestSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RefundRequestSpreadsheetDownloadMutation.
- RemittanceRemittance for invoice or invoice amendment
- RemittanceActionRemittance action
- RemittanceAdviceRemittance advice
- RemittanceAdviceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutation
- RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RemittanceAdviceUpdateMutation.
- RemittanceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- RemittanceEventRemittance event
- RemittancesReleaseMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RemittancesReleaseMutation
- RemittancesReleaseMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RemittancesReleaseMutation.
- RemittanceSummaryRownull
- ResetUserPasswordMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ResetUserPasswordMutation
- ResetUserPasswordMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ResetUserPasswordMutation.
- ResetUserRecoveryCodesMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ResetUserRecoveryCodesMutation
- ResetUserRecoveryCodesMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ResetUserRecoveryCodesMutation.
- ReturnShipmentShipment tracking information.
- ReturnShipmentCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ReturnShipmentCreateMutation
- ReturnShipmentCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ReturnShipmentCreateMutation.
- ReturnShipmentUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ReturnShipmentUpdateMutation
- ReturnShipmentUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ReturnShipmentUpdateMutation.
- RithumAPIKeyRithum API key info
- RithumAPIKeyCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of RithumAPIKeyCreateMutation
- RithumAPIKeyCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of RithumAPIKeyCreateMutation.
- RithumAPIKeysEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SalesSummaryRownull
- SelectFieldField where a list of predefined options is supplied
- SelectOptionA single selectable option within a Select field
- SellerRetailer or private seller.
- SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutation
- SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SellerAdyenBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutation.
- SellerBraintreeBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SellerBraintreeBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutation
- SellerBraintreeBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SellerBraintreeBillingPaymentMethodUpdateMutation.
- SellerCategoryLinkCategory label and category slug for building seller category search links
- SellerCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SellerCreateMutation
- SellerCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SellerCreateMutation.
- SellerEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SellerFilterOptionMinimal subset of Seller type which can be used to build a seller filter for advert search
- SellerGeolocationCoordinates of a Seller
- SellerInputAttributes for creating a seller.
- SellerOnboardingProcessReturns the seller onboarding processes.
- SellerOnboardingProcessesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- SellerOnboardingProcessTriggerMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SellerOnboardingProcessTriggerMutation
- SellerOnboardingProcessTriggerMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SellerOnboardingProcessTriggerMutation.
- SellerPoliciesSeller policies regarding products and/or services.
- SellerRatingRating data for Seller
- SellerSearchInputSeller search arguments for building an ElasticSearch query.
- SellerSearchResponseSeller search response payload.
- SellerSendInvoiceToCustomerMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SellerSendInvoiceToCustomerMutation
- SellerSendInvoiceToCustomerMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SellerSendInvoiceToCustomerMutation.
- SellerSlaExportMetricMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SellerSlaExportMetricMutation
- SellerSlaExportMetricMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SellerSlaExportMetricMutation.
- SellerUpdateInputAttributes for updating a seller.
- SellerUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SellerUpdateMutation
- SellerUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SellerUpdateMutation.
- SendgridSettingsSendgrid settings
- SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SendgridSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- SendgridSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SendgridSettingsDeleteMutation
- SendgridSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SendgridSettingsDeleteMutation.
- SeoContentSEO specific content for a particular page. Eg. advert search page
- SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutation
- SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SessionLocationInformationUpdateMutation.
- SessionTokenLogOutMutationInputAutogenerated input type of SessionTokenLogOutMutation
- SessionTokenLogOutMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of SessionTokenLogOutMutation.
- ShipmentShipment tracking information.
- ShipmentAddressCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShipmentAddressCreateMutation
- ShipmentAddressCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShipmentAddressCreateMutation.
- ShipmentAddressSortMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShipmentAddressSortMutation
- ShipmentAddressSortMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShipmentAddressSortMutation.
- ShipmentCarrierShipment carriers available to assign to a shipment.
- ShipmentCarrierEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ShipmentCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShipmentCreateMutation
- ShipmentCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShipmentCreateMutation.
- ShipmentStatusCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShipmentStatusCreateMutation
- ShipmentStatusCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShipmentStatusCreateMutation.
- ShipmentStatusEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ShipmentUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShipmentUpdateMutation
- ShipmentUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShipmentUpdateMutation.
- ShippingOptionA shipping rule that might apply to a certain variant
- ShippingOptionDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingOptionDeleteMutation
- ShippingOptionDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingOptionDeleteMutation.
- ShippingOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ShippingOptionUpsertInputnull
- ShippingOptionUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingOptionUpsertMutation
- ShippingOptionUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingOptionUpsertMutation.
- ShippingParcelShipping Parcel dimensions and weight.
- ShippingProfileA shipping rule that might apply to a certain variant
- ShippingProfileCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingProfileCreateMutation
- ShippingProfileCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingProfileCreateMutation.
- ShippingProfileDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingProfileDeleteMutation
- ShippingProfileDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingProfileDeleteMutation.
- ShippingProfileEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ShippingProfileInputnull
- ShippingProfileUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingProfileUpdateMutation
- ShippingProfileUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingProfileUpdateMutation.
- ShippingRateA shipping rate defined in the marketplace
- ShippingRateCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingRateCreateOrUpdateMutation
- ShippingRateCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingRateCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- ShippingRateDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingRateDeleteMutation
- ShippingRateDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingRateDeleteMutation.
- ShippingRateEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ShippingRateInputnull
- ShippingZoneA shipping area defined in the marketplace which consists of multiple postcodes
- ShippingZoneCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingZoneCreateOrUpdateMutation
- ShippingZoneCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingZoneCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- ShippingZoneDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingZoneDeleteMutation
- ShippingZoneDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingZoneDeleteMutation.
- ShippingZoneEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- ShippingZoneInputnull
- ShippingZoneSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippingZoneSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- ShippingZoneSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippingZoneSpreadsheetDownloadMutation.
- ShippitCredentialsShippit Credentials
- ShippitCredentialsUpsertInputnull
- ShippitCredentialsUpsertMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ShippitCredentialsUpsertMutation
- ShippitCredentialsUpsertMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ShippitCredentialsUpsertMutation.
- SiteConfigSite configuration properties, particularly for properties that affect more than just one page
- SiteCountrySite country information
- SlugObject with fields for constructing URL slugs based on its parent object.
- SocialLinkSocial link
- StateGeographic state
- StateInputInput for associating a state with an address. One argument is required for creation. If more than one argument is given, the first valid argument will define the state (the order is "id", "short", then "name").
- StatesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- StatusInfoData for individual health checks
- StockLevelsSpreadsheetDownloadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of StockLevelsSpreadsheetDownloadMutation
- StockLevelsSpreadsheetDownloadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of StockLevelsSpreadsheetDownloadMutation.
- StockLevelsSpreadsheetUploadMutationInputAutogenerated input type of StockLevelsSpreadsheetUploadMutation
- StockLevelsSpreadsheetUploadMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of StockLevelsSpreadsheetUploadMutation.
- StoredPaymentMethodSellers stored payment method settings
- SubscriptionEmail marketing subscription info
- SubscriptionsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TaxCodeTax code
- TaxCodeCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of TaxCodeCreateOrUpdateMutation
- TaxCodeCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of TaxCodeCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- TaxonCategory or Sub-category for organising adverts. Has a tree-like structure with parents and children.
- TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutation
- TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of TaxonCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- TaxonEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TaxonFilterOptionMinimal subset of Taxon type which can be used to build a taxonomy filter for advert search
- TaxonsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TextLinkText link
- TextQuerySuggestionObject with taxon or brand info returned by autocomplete functionality when a user is typing into a search field.
- ThemeSite-wide attributes used for theming, such as colours and fonts.
- ThirdPartyLoginLinkThird party login link
- ThirdPartyLoginLinkEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- TOTPA TOTP Authenticator
- TranslationObject with translation key path and value.
- TranslationInputThe YAML path and param values for a given translation.
- UnpublishedAdvertAn unpublished advert
- UpdatedCartsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- UpdatedOrdersEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- UpdatedRefundRequestsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- UserProperties of the currently logged in User
- UserCreateInputAttributes for creating a user.
- UserCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserCreateMutation
- UserCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserCreateMutation.
- UserCreateSecondaryInputAttributes for creating a user. (secondary for seller).
- UserCurrencySelectMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserCurrencySelectMutation
- UserCurrencySelectMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserCurrencySelectMutation.
- UserDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserDeleteMutation
- UserDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserDeleteMutation.
- UserEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- UserInputAttributes for updating a user.
- UserLocationLocation data saved on the user session
- UserLoginTokenMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserLoginTokenMutation
- UserLoginTokenMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserLoginTokenMutation.
- UserLoginUsernameMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserLoginUsernameMutation
- UserLoginUsernameMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserLoginUsernameMutation.
- UserLogOutMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserLogOutMutation
- UserLogOutMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserLogOutMutation.
- UserMFATokenVerificationMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserMFATokenVerificationMutation
- UserMFATokenVerificationMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserMFATokenVerificationMutation.
- UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutation
- UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserUpdateFavouriteStoreMutation.
- UserUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of UserUpdateMutation
- UserUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of UserUpdateMutation.
- ValidationErrorField-specific model validation error messages for when params are invalid.
- VariantA unique option type/option value combination that represents a variation of a purchasable item.
- VariantDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of VariantDeleteMutation
- VariantDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of VariantDeleteMutation.
- VariantEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- VariantFilterInputnull
- VariantInputnull
- VariantOptionValueVariant option value for a variant's option type supporting all field types.
- VariantOptionValueEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- VariantOptionValueInputInput for updating a variant option value. Set only optionValueId for single-select and multi-select option types, and set only optionTypeId and textValue for a free-text option type.
- VariantsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- VariantUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of VariantUpdateMutation
- VariantUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of VariantUpdateMutation.
- VerifyAuthenticatorMutationInputAutogenerated input type of VerifyAuthenticatorMutation
- VerifyAuthenticatorMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of VerifyAuthenticatorMutation.
- VerticalLogoLogo for the Marketplace
- VideoVideo data stored on seller
- WebhookReturns the webhooks linked to marketplacer events.
- WebhookCreateInputAttributes for creating a webhook.
- WebhookCreateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of WebhookCreateMutation
- WebhookCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of WebhookCreateMutation.
- WebhookEventReturns the webhooks event linked to a webhook.
- WebhookEventsEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- WebhookInputWebhook Attributes.
- WebhooksEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- WebhookUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of WebhookUpdateMutation
- WebhookUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of WebhookUpdateMutation.
- YotpoSettingsYotpo settings
- YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of YotpoSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- YotpoSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of YotpoSettingsDeleteMutation
- YotpoSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of YotpoSettingsDeleteMutation.
- YotpoSettingsSiteConfigYotpo Site Configuration settings
- ZipSettingsZip settings.
- ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ZipSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- ZipSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ZipSettingsDeleteMutation
- ZipSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ZipSettingsDeleteMutation.
- ZoozSettingsZooz settings type
- ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation
- ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ZoozSettingsCreateOrUpdateMutation.
- ZoozSettingsDeleteMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ZoozSettingsDeleteMutation
- ZoozSettingsDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of ZoozSettingsDeleteMutation.
- __DirectiveA Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and type validation behavior in a GraphQL document. In some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL's execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by describing additional information to the executor.
- __EnumValueOne possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is returned in a JSON response as a string.
- __FieldObject and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.
- __InputValueArguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type and optionally a default value.
- __SchemaA GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL server. It exposes all available types and directives on the server, as well as the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.
- __TypeThe fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum. Depending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe information about that type. Scalar types provide no information beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.