
Returns the seller onboarding processes.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type SellerOnboardingProcess implements Node {
  • # Resulting action when the seller onboarding process is triggered
  • action: SellerOnboardingProcessActionEnum!
  • # Description of the seller onboarding process
  • description: String!
  • # Optional headers supplied as JSON that can be used to access further configure
  • # HTTP POST requests (e.g. { Authorization: "Basic x123" })
  • headers: JSON
  • id: ID!
  • # Name of the seller onboarding process
  • name: String!
  • # Optional Seller GraphQL query that can be used to determine the result will be
  • # sent when the Seller Onboarding Process is triggered. If left blank, the Seller
  • # Onboarding Process will return a default query (e.g. "query($id: ID!){ node(id:
  • # $id) { __typename } }")
  • queryString: String
  • # Text displayed for the trigger button
  • triggerText: String!
  • # External URL listening for incoming HTTP POST
  • url: String!
  • }