Catalog rule
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type CatalogRule implements Node {
- # Indicates once the errors have been evaluated on the adverts or variants
- Boolean! :
- # When the record was created
- ISO8601DateTime! :
- # The error message returned when a product fails catalog rule validation
- String! :
- ID! :
- # The product attribute the catalog rule is validated against
- CatalogRulesKeyEnum! :
- # The catalog rule legacy ID
- Int! :
- # The operator used to validate the product attribute with
- CatalogRulesOperatorEnum! :
- # The value the operator is compared against
- String @deprecated( reason: "This argument is deprecated in favour of values." ) :
- # The values the operator is compared against
- String!] : [
- # The name for the set of values displayed in the error message
- String :
- }
link Require by
- CatalogRuleCreateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CatalogRuleCreateMutation.
- CatalogRuleDeleteMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CatalogRuleDeleteMutation.
- CatalogRulesConnectionThe connection type for CatalogRule.
- CatalogRulesEdgeAn edge in a connection.
- CatalogRuleUpdateMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of CatalogRuleUpdateMutation.