
An advert (elasticsearch cached)

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type ESAdvert implements Node {
  • # Availability of the advert
  • availability: [AdvertAvailabilityEnum!]!
  • brand: ESBrand
  • # City to be displayed on the advert tile
  • cityDisplay: String!
  • # Main Advert type for occasions extra fields are required. NOTE: much slower
  • dbAdvert: Advert
  • # Main Brand type for occasions extra fields are required. NOTE: much slower
  • dbBrand: Brand
  • # Main Seller type for occasions extra fields are required. NOTE: much slower
  • dbSeller: Seller
  • # Image to display on the advert tile.
  • displayImage: Image
  • # Title for display (may include Brand and Model Year depending on configuration)
  • fullTitle: String!
  • id: ID!
  • isFeatured: Boolean
  • isPromoted: Boolean
  • legacyId: Int!
  • # Absolute lowest price (sale price or original price) available for the item in
  • # session currency. Denominated in cents.
  • lowestOriginalPriceCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # Absolute lowest price (sale price or original price) available for the item in
  • # session currency. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • lowestOriginalPriceFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # Lowest non-sale price available for the item in session currency. Useful for
  • # display purpose only as all monetary transactions will be charged in the
  • # marketplace currency.
  • lowestOriginalPriceInSessionCurrency: String
  • # Absolute lowest price (sale price or original price) available for the item in
  • # session currency. Denominated in cents.
  • lowestPriceCents: Int @deprecated( reason: "Prices can be larger than is representable by a graphql integer. Use the string version instead. This field will be removed no earlier than July 1st, 2025. " )
  • # Absolute lowest price (sale price or original price) available for the item in
  • # session currency. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • lowestPriceFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # Absolute lowest price (sale price or original price) available for the item in
  • # session currency. Useful for display purpose only as all monetary transactions
  • # will be charged in the marketplace currency.
  • lowestPriceInSessionCurrency: String
  • # Original price formatted as a string (e.g. 'From $30')
  • originalPriceFormatted: String
  • pagePath: String!
  • # The end time of the most recent active promotion that this advert is part of. It
  • # will return null if there are no active promotions for the advert.
  • promotionEndTime: String
  • # The start time of the most recent active promotion that this advert is part of.
  • # It will return null if there are no active promotions for the advert.
  • promotionStartTime: String
  • # The name of the most recent active promotion that this advert is part of.
  • promotionText: String
  • # Rating reviews
  • rating: AdvertRating
  • # Sale price formatted as a string e.g. ('Now from $21')
  • salePriceFormatted: String!
  • seller: ESSeller!
  • taxon: ESTaxon!
  • title: String!
  • }