
Line items associated with a cart or order.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type LineItem implements Node {
  • # Adjustments applied to the line item
  • adjustments: [Adjustment!]
  • # The advertisement of the item being purchased.
  • advert: Advert @deprecated( reason: "Since this can change after the order is created, you should use the copied values" )
  • # The advert code captured at the time of invoice creation
  • advertCode: String
  • # The advert id captured at the time of invoice creation
  • advertId: ID
  • # The advert legacyId captured at the time of invoice creation
  • advertLegacyId: Int
  • # The advert title captured at the time of invoice creation
  • advertTitle: String
  • # Brand name for the line item
  • brandName: String
  • # Commission amount Denominated in cents.
  • commissionAmountCents: Int
  • # Commission amount In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • commissionAmountFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # Total commission tax amount for the line item Denominated in cents.
  • commissionAmountTaxCents: Int
  • # Total commission tax amount for the line item In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • commissionAmountTaxFormatted(currency: String): String
  • # Commission percentage used to calculate the commission amount
  • commissionRate: String
  • # Commission tax rate set in invoice
  • commissionTaxRate: Float
  • # The discount applied to the item. Negative value. Denominated in cents.
  • discountCents: Int!
  • # The discount applied to the item. Negative value. In string with currency
  • # symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • discountFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • externalIds: [ExternalID!]!
  • id: ID!
  • image: Image
  • inventory: Inventory
  • invoice: Invoice
  • # Total cost per item. Denominated in cents.
  • itemAmountCents: Int!
  • # Total cost per item. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • itemAmountFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • legacyId: Int!
  • # Merchant fee tax rate set in invoice
  • merchantFeesTaxRate: Float
  • # Metadata key/values
  • metadata: [Metadatum!]!
  • # The postage total on the item(s). Denominated in cents.
  • postageCents: Int!
  • # The postage total on the item(s). In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • postageFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • # Postage tax rate
  • postageTaxRate: Float
  • # The pricing model of the line item
  • pricingModel: PricingModelEnum!
  • quantity: Int!
  • quantityAwaitingDispatch: Int
  • # Quantity that has been dispatched that is available for refund.
  • quantityReturnable: Int!
  • # Deprecated: As of Feb 2021 in favour of shipments field (collection of all
  • # associated shipments). Returns the most recent shipment associated with this
  • # line item
  • shipment: Shipment
  • shipments: [Shipment!]
  • # Status of the line item. It is suggested to use statusFull
  • status: LineItemStatusEnum!
  • # A fuller featured status that includes shipping statuses
  • statusFull: LineItemStatusFullEnum!
  • # The item subtotal, excluding discounts and postage. Tax is included for tax
  • # inclusive marketplaces. Denominated in cents.
  • subtotalCents: Int!
  • # The item subtotal, excluding discounts and postage. Tax is included for tax
  • # inclusive marketplaces. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • subtotalFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • # Line item tax rate
  • taxRate: Float
  • # The tax on the item. Denominated in cents.
  • taxTotalCents: Int!
  • # The tax on the item. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • taxTotalFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • # Total cost of the items, which includes subtotals and cost of shipping if
  • # applicable. Denominated in cents.
  • totalCents: Int!
  • # Total cost of the items, which includes subtotals and cost of shipping if
  • # applicable. In string with currency symbol.
  • #
  • # Arguments
  • # currency: Currency in which to display money fields. Defaults
  • # to the currency of the marketplace's home country.
  • totalFormatted(currency: String): String!
  • # The product variant that is being purchased.
  • variant: Variant @deprecated( reason: "Since this can change after the order is created, you should use the copied values" )
  • # The variant barcode captured at the time of invoice creation
  • variantBarcode: String
  • # The variant id captured at the time of invoice creation
  • variantId: ID
  • # The variant legacyId captured at the time of invoice creation
  • variantLegacyId: Int
  • # The variant description captured at the time of invoice creation
  • variantName: String
  • # The variant sku captured at the time of invoice creation
  • variantSku: String
  • # The wholesale price of the line item
  • wholesalePrice: Decimal
  • }